Rude, bone idle... and cosseted by the welfare state!Chinese teachers' damning verdict on British children after spending a month inUK classrooms
Five Chinese teachers spent four weeks in aschool in Hampshire
They were analysing the strictness of teachingmethods in the UK
Chinese teachers blamed a lack of motivation onpoor performances
By STEVE DOUGHTY FOR DAILY MAIL PUBLISHED: 22:19 GMT, 2 August 2015 | UPDATED: 09:24GMT, 3 August 2015
A group of Chineseteachers has blamed the generosity of Britain’s benefits system for lack of ambition, ill-disciplineand idleness among school pupils.
They believe theoption of living on welfare handouts has produced ‘feather-bedded’ teenagers prone to rudeness and disruptingthe classroom rather than concentrating on working and getting ahead.
This verdict onthe failings of British pupils and the influence of the welfare state wasdelivered by five Chinese teachers who spent four weeks in a Hampshirecomprehensive school to see whether the strict methods used in China would workhere.
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The Chineseteachers blamed the generosity of Britain’s benefits system for a lack of ambition,ill-discipline and idleness among school pupils
Maths teacher ZouHailian says holding communal exercise drills trains the 'collective sense' ofthe students
Teachers who standin front of a class giving instruction for up to 12 hours a day have beencredited with putting Chinese schools at the top of international ratings inmaths, sciences and literacy, in which the record of UK schools is mediocre.
One of theteachers, Wei Zhao, believed British pupils lacked motivation. She said: ‘Even if they don’t work, they can get money, they don’t worry about it.
‘But in China they can’t get these things so they know, “I need to study hard, I need to work hardto get money to support my family”.
‘If the British Government really cut benefits down toforce people to go to work they might see things in a different way.’
Others among theChinese teachers who took classes at Bohunt School in Liphook, Hampshire, foundtheir group of 50 children, aged 13 and 14, were disruptive and unable toconcentrate.
Li Aiyun, fromNanjing Foreign Language School, said: ‘When I handed out the homework sheets, I expectedeverybody to be concentrated on the homework. But when I walked in theclassroom some students were chatting, some students were eating, somebody waseven putting make-up on her face. I had to control myself, or I would be crazy.
‘About half of them tried their best tofollow me. And the other half? Who knows what they were doing?’
Science teacherYang Jun works children at the Hampshire school through eye exercises duringclass
Chineseteachers shocked at British standards in schools
Science teacherYang Jun, who taught in Xian, central China, before moving to Britain, said: ‘In China we don’t need classroom management skills becauseeveryone is disciplined by nature, by families, by society. Whereas here it isthe most challenging part of teaching.’
We have onesyllabus, one standard; you survive or you die. It’s up to you.
The teacher wasalso puzzled by a girl who left the classroom in tears after learning thatsinger Zayn Malik had left the boy band One Direction.
‘I found it difficult to understand suchemotional behaviour over a pop band,’ Miss Yang said.
She alsoquestioned the use of different teaching programmes for different pupils. ‘You have different syllabuses to suitdifferent students’ ability,’ she said. ‘We don’t. We have one syllabus, one standard; yousurvive or you die. It’s up to you.’
The Chinesemethods are to be screened in the BBC Two documentary, Are Our Kids ToughEnough? Chinese School.
A trailer for theprogramme shows a teacher shouting 'listen to me', 'just use your brain' and'no talking, no questions' at bewildered lookingBritish children.
令这位老师不解的是,有个女孩因听说Zayn Malik离开了One Direction乐队,竟哭着离开了教室。
The teachers, whocame to Britain as part of television programme aiming to show the differencebetween British and Chinese education, enforced a morning exercise routine infront of Chinese and Union flags
Pupils were putthrough their paces with hard lessons and tough PE regimes during theexperiment
But the Chinesemethods did not appear to impress the Bohunt head teacher, Neil Strowger.
He described theteaching techniques as ‘mind-numbingly boring’ and said usual standards of discipline at his school were not as looseas the Chinese teachers described.
‘If you visited my school in the week whencameras were not there you would not see behaviour like that,’ he said.
‘There is no low-level disruption. However,if you go into a class and do not treat the students with respect then you aregoing to get problems.’
Mr Strowgeradded: ‘I don’t believe we are somehow causing our children to failby having a welfare state.’
但中式教学法并没给该班的班主任Neil Strowger留下好印象。
One teacher wasleft puzzled by a pupil who ran out of the classroom in tears after she learntthat singer Zayn Malik (pictured) had left theboy band One Direction
(这位就是,既让女孩泪奔而又让老师感到困惑的,现已经离开One Direction 乐队的Zayn Malik)
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